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SwissHeartSurgery Module

Swiss Cardiac Surgery Registry

The Swiss Cardiac Surgery Registry is a national registry and is used for quality control and to obtain an overview of cardiac surgery performed in Switzerland. Surgeries performed with the heart-lung machine (HLM) as well as major heart surgeries off-pump are recorded. It is partly required by cantonal health authorities for the award of the service contract. It is intended that all cardiac surgery centers participate.

Feedback: You can send us suggestions for improvement, bugs / errors, as well as feedback on the register form via this feedback form

The user manual provides you with information on, among other things, user registration, profiles and authorizations, entering patients and form entries.

Here you can find video tutorials on selected topics:

User registration (german)

Data input (german)

Data export (german)

SwissRDL - Medical Registries and Data Linkage

SwissRDL is a center of excellence for medical registries.

We offer services from creating, implementing, hosting, monitoring, reporting, and analysing registries and registry data.

We maintain and host several registries, from small to large, national and international.


+41 (0)31 684 55 94
